
We want our children to grow up free and unconventional. But every time, something that allows them to explore the freedom they could have, we are worried to death. It could be explained with our own mistrust we reflect on them. When we are scared of climbing the tall tree, why would we trust the kid to do so.

However, we want them to express what’s deep inside of them, to be able to live the life they want, and to fill it with the things they want. Contradicting to this ideal, we than judge grown ups of being weird or strange, based on a complete different set of behaviors they have. They use a different kettle to boil the water. They dry the laundry upside down and spread the bagel first with jam and then with butter. We want our offspring to become strong individuals, outstanding characters and live their life they dreamed of. Eventually, we are not making them free, but allow them to live a version of our lives. 22 will look for those hypocritical parents.