Best 2020 vids by Foad
2020 was a crazy year, but didn’t stop you all from putting out some amazing fixed gear videos. From fast traffic riding, to tracklocross, to fixie tricks, and fgfs, Jackson takes a look back at some of the best videos. Can’t wait to see what you all do next year!
Long ago, there was a dinosaur. And, well, that dinosaur died. Hit by a meteor. Very unfortunate. But that’s OK, because that dinosaur had a Purpose! As its body sank into the earth and decayed, it was slowly transformed over millennia, over eons, into thick, gloopy black oil. Much later, humans would discover the internal combustion engine, […]
1 + 1 = 2
This mathematical formula is one of the easiest to understand and usually humans first step towards understanding the magic of math. To understand that the result of these two individuals become a new shape and form and not to speak of value, takes many years of experience and in the example of my case, many years […]
All colours shine
My Grandfathers story about the colourful Rooster, who was friends with a Dog, comes to my mind. They were traveling through the forest until it got late, so the Dog looked for a hole in a tree trunk and the Rooster flew up to sleep in the high branches of a close by tree. At sunrise the […]
Albert Cycle Bro
When Albert Einstein was a Visiting Professor at the California Institute of Technology in 1933, cycling was his favourite pastime, although the cleverly contrived photograph of him apparently pedalling away from an atomic explosion is perhaps better not dwelt on. Of far greater interest and usefulness is the comment he had made in a letter […]
We got to go through
We usually start our journey of compassion and interest somewhere along the line with “that’s exactly what I want to do”, arrive somewhere understanding “It’s not as fulfilling as I imagined” and could possibly end at “I don’t know what my purpose in life is”.